News & Updates

2016 Renaissance Block Challenge Details Announced

2016 Renaissance Block Challenge Details Announced

The Jamestown Renaissance Corporation has announced details for the 2016 Renaissance Block Challenge, a program that offers matching funds to home owners up to $2,000 to put towards exterior home improvements. The program encourages and rewards neighborhood groups to...

Placing a Value on Home Improvements

Placing a Value on Home Improvements

The summer home improvement season is well under way across Jamestown as property owners tackle a wide range of projects to maintain and enhance their homes and rental properties. This is especially evident in this year’s five Renaissance Blocks on Beechview, Euclid,...

Nearly 800 Volunteers Turn Out for Hands On Jamestown

Nearly 800 Volunteers Turn Out for Hands On Jamestown

Jamestown was swarming with yellow volunteer shirts this past Saturday as Hands On Jamestown crews collected garbage, swept sidewalks, and weeded gardens at the annual community clean up event. Nearly 800 volunteers from all over southern Chautauqua County came...

Olean Making Noteworthy Strides

Olean Making Noteworthy Strides

Jamestown and Olean have a lot in common as small urban centers in the Southern Tier. That was on display this past weekend when Jamestown Community College, a shared institution, celebrated Commencement at its campuses in both cities. But it’s also visible in efforts...

Jamestown’s 2015 Renaissance Block Finalists Announced

Jamestown’s 2015 Renaissance Block Finalists Announced

Landscaping, porch repairs, painting, sidewalk replacement, and many other projects will soon be underway in the city as part of the Jamestown Renaissance Corporation’s annual Renaissance Block Challenge. The program gives property owners access to matching grants and...

A Rising Tide of Local Leadership

A Rising Tide of Local Leadership

If you call someone in Jamestown a politician, you’re likely to see them recoil in disgust or ball up their fists as if an epithet has been hurled in their direction. But we’re all politicians. We all try to influence those around us in ways that will achieve civic or...

Civic Perceptions Driven by Engagement

Civic Perceptions Driven by Engagement

What is Jamestown in 2015? Are we the comedy capital or the meth capital? Are we a city of reenergized neighborhoods or a city on the edge? Are we a haven of opportunity or a place with limited prospects? How we perceive Jamestown – and how others perceive us – is...

Housing Market Traps Fuel Dysfunction

Housing Market Traps Fuel Dysfunction

What happens when a weak real estate market and under-regulated rental housing collide on the streets of Jamestown? People get trapped. Consider the recent case of a 71-year-old woman on Bush Street profiled by The Post-Journal. Her apartment was without hot water or...

State Could Play Bigger Revitalization Role in 2015

State Could Play Bigger Revitalization Role in 2015

The budget season is well underway in Albany as the Legislature deliberates over Governor Cuomo’s spending plan and the state’s projected $5 billion surplus. There’s much to be hopeful about as this process nears completion and as Western New York gains influence in...